

  * !!!I'm not a doctor. Please talk to your doctors before you try any of these. I'm only telling you about plants that have been used for centuries and what they were said to be used for. I do not recommend using wild foraged plants!!!*   Dandelions-    Dandelions have been used by numerous different cultures for multiple different purposes. I used to eat them when I was little because my nana would add them to salads (and pansies!) and I used to love it because the salads were always so pretty. Like a lot of other plants, almost every part of the dandilion is useable. The leaves of this plant are said to be a natural laxative and the roots are said to help with the liver, kidney and gallbladder. There is some evidence that the roots and flower may also help lower blood glucose.  The best part is that ALL parts of this plant are edible. The leaves are high in vitamins A, B, C, E and K. They are also a great source of Potassium, Calcium,  Iron and Magnesiu...

Balcony Garden

 So if you are like me you live in a space with very limited land to grow the garden you want. I feel your frustration lol. There are some things that I have figured out that will still let you grow your own herbs, fruits and veggies! Most grocery stores around me sell planted (or at least rooted) herbs like basil, sage, oregano, etc. I usually buy those then I will go to the dollar store to get some little terracotta pots and I replant them to keep in my kitchen. Keep them in a sunny spot but make sure they aren't being burned. There is nothing better than using fresh herbs in your recipes!  Now to the balcony garden. If you don't have any kitchen space to keep your herbs but you have a little balcony you can use that. Just get some little shelves (thrift stores are great or building your own) and set up your mini shelf garden. There are a lot of mini garden kits on the internet, I will post links to a few for you. I'm not getting paid to share these, These are just the on...

Welcome to the Porcupine Homestead!

 Here at the porcupine homestead I want to help other people learn how to become self sufficient as much as they can be. Whether that's a small apartment garden or 50 acres, you will find recipes and gardening tips that fit with your life. I will even throw in some good side hustles so you can add to that rainy day fund :)  My name is Salem and my goal is to get a cute little house with some land and be as self sufficient as I can. I'm currently in a very populated city and live in an apartment but there's no better time the the current to start working towards what you want! I hope you will join me on this journey and that we can grow together. Welcome to the Porcupine Homestead!